Are Stretched, Torn, or Deformed Earlobes an Unwanted Part of Your Look? Get Them Back in Shape with CT ENT’s Dr. Heather Waters
If your ear lobes are beginning to stretch, have torn, or are deformed, they may be attracting attention for the wrong reasons. Restore the look and function you want and need to your ear lobes with earlobe repair from CT ENT’s Dr. Heather Waters. Request an appointment today or continue to read below to learn more about how CT ENT can repair your earlobes.

What is earlobe repair?
When stretched, poked, weighed down, or ripped, earlobes can suffer from long-term damage. While damage can be permanent, a plastic surgeon can perform a procedure to restore your earlobes to their normal shape and texture.
Earlobe repair, performed on men and women who are seeking to reverse damage to their ears, restores the lobe’s contour and symmetry through plastic surgery. The procedure, if desired, can also enable the lobe to be re-pierced in the future after it has healed.
Could you benefit from earlobe repair from CT ENT? Here’s how to tell.
Earlobes can lose their intended shape and function for a variety of reasons. Common reasons CT ENT patients choose earlobe repair include:
- Excess stretching from earrings or ear gauges
- Irregularly shaped earlobes
- Enlarged earlobes
- Injured earlobes
- Congenital disabilities
Do you suffer from any of the above earlobe-related issues? If so, schedule an appointment with Dr. Waters to discuss how earlobe repair can work for you.